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Normal setting, fast drying hydraulic binder for bonded or floating screeds. Can be walked on after 8 hours, ceramic laying after 1 day, parquet laying after 5 days

it is used for the esecution of

  • Floating screed
  • Bonded screed
  • Unbonded screed
  • Floating screed with underfloor heating


STRATOSEY mixed with from 0 to 8 mm sand and water, turns into a mixture to be used in the construction of floating or bonded screeds on new or old slabs. When processed at a temperature of +23 °C, it gives the screeds particular characteristics: rapid hardening without undergoing appreciable shrinkage, rapid drying of the mixing water and residual humidity, high initial and final mechanical strengths that are much higher than those obtained with traditional screeds. STRATOSEY screeds must be separated from pillars and perimeter walls using, for example, expanded polystyrene or cork. Suitable for building screeds over heating systems. The use of STRATOSEY shortens the commissioning time of the system. When STRATOSEY screeds are crossed by pipes that significantly reduce their thickness, it is essential to reinforce the areas concerned with a light hexagonal wire mesh to avoid dangerous weakening of the screed. Very large surfaces must be interrupted with suitable fractioning joints. Any existing joints on the substrate must always be placed on the STRATOSEY screed.

After 8 hours the screed can be walked on; after 24 hours it is possible to lay the ceramic; after 3 days natural stones; after 5 days if the residual humidity does not exceed 2% in weight it is possible to lay wooden floors.

The residual moisture of the screed in STRATOSEY must be measured with a carbide hygrometer, which provides reliable moisture data by weight.


important warnings

  • Strictly follow the STRATOSEY, aggregates and water dosage indicated.
  • Do not add aggregates or binders (lime, cement, plaster, etc.) to the product.
  • Do not add any additives (setting accelerators, thinners, etc.) to the product.
  • Separate the screed from the pillars and walls using a compressible material.
  • Cut the screed at the thresholds.
  • Do not apply STRATOSEY on substrates subject to rising damp or pushing dampness without interlaying a water vapour barrier.
  • Do not apply STRATOSEY where there is a beating sun, strong wind, temperatures below +5°C and above +35°C.
  • If ceramic tiles are to be laid on the product, please refer to UNI 11493, paragraph 5.2 in particular.
PackagePallet Kg
GreyBag kg 201200


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